Are there any agent working groups? I know there w...
# ask-the-community
Are there any agent working groups? I know there was a form sent around recently that kind of alluded to some such group prioritizing work in this area. Just checking to see if there's somewhere I can stay connected.
Cc @Kevin Su
Cc @David Espejo (he/him)
@Blake Jackson the form is part of an assessment of the current status for different integrations. That's the extent of the scope of the Integrations Inventory WG, not really tied to prioritization as of now. Is there any particular Agent you'd want to see available?
Ok, good to know. We have some workflows that rely on HTTP resources, so was thinking an HttpSensor that used a HEAD request to see if a resource is there or not.
That sounds awesome
I would love a simple generic httpagent
@Blake Jackson I added you to #flyte-agents