Hi team, got a error when I pyflyte register a wor...
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Hi team, got a error when I pyflyte register a workflow. cmd:
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PYTHONPATH=/pay/src/zoolander pyflyte register src/python/flyte/ml_exploration/dynamic_resource_allocation_example -p ml-exploration -d adhoc -i "<http://containers.global.qa.stripe.io/stripe-qa/flyte/flyte-workflow-minimal-images-2@sha256:1f5b27f07f2ee6c68cb480562dad950184c9bcac590c4f6b2fa220c9173e4f3b|containers.global.qa.stripe.io/stripe-qa/flyte/flyte-workflow-minimal-images-2@sha256:1f5b27f07f2ee6c68cb480562dad950184c9bcac590c4f6b2fa220c9173e4f3b>" -v gilbert3-123456 --deref-symlinks
This is a valid image, but it got the error:
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AssertionError: Incorrectly formatted image <http://containers.global.qa.stripe.io/stripe-qa/flyte/flyte-workflow-minimal-images-2@sha256:1f5b27f07f2ee6c68cb480562dad950184c9bcac590c4f6b2fa220c9173e4f3b|containers.global.qa.stripe.io/stripe-qa/flyte/flyte-workflow-minimal-images-2@sha256:1f5b27f07f2ee6c68cb480562dad950184c9bcac590c4f6b2fa220c9173e4f3b>, missing tag value
Can someone know how to resolve this?
kill the sha?
i think flytekit’s not processing the sha correctly… partly because there’s no check on the backend.
We cannot tag the image when we build the image due to some internal constraint. We can only get the image by the image_digest (sha256)
@Ketan (kumare3) Could you take a look pls?
so the request is that you’d like the image that you specify to be sha based rather than tag?
Yeah, exactly
and you’d like it to be persisted like that across the board - like in the task definition…
It's weird that we don't support image digest
and when it’s launched on k8s
so the pod when it’s run, it’d use the sha?
and you’d like it to be persisted like that across the board - like in the task definition…
Any risk by doing so? fwiw container is just a uri, it doesn't really matter how it looks like right?
no concern from flyte’s perspective… it’s just a string. so it’s just the parsing logic we do here and there.
as long as fetching images by sha is a supported part of the oci api
I see! I just don't understand why I cannot pass image sha🥲
Can we support that?
if it’s supported by k8s/oci it’s something we should support.
mind cutting a ticket for this?
we will investigate and get back to you on there.
mind cutting a ticket for this?
Sure, how can I cut it?
Thanks Yee!
Hi @Yee! May I know any update on this? I have to re-adjust our project plan based on this release date.
sorry i haven’t even thought about this yet.
could you try this?
basically we just need to verify 1) k8s works with images specified like this - just spin up a pod with this as the image and 2) flyte works - i think we just need to adjust the image parsing part in flytekit, the rest of the system treats it like a string.
cc @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) - can you think of any reason why this won’t work?
I believe the image parsing part in flytekit block this format of image_uri
could you try this?
hmm, try what?
making the change in flytekit 🙂
Oh you mean I make a PR for that?
yeah would you be up for it?
I am not sure I got the enough knowledge to do this