Hello guys i get this error `Failed to check if th...
# ask-the-community
Hello guys i get this error
Failed to check if the image exists with error : Error while fetching server API version: ('Connection aborted.', FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory'))
for this command
pyflyte --config ~/.flyte/config.yaml register ...
i am using GCP artifact for my registry .
@Eric Peter Wairagala does it work for other images? In the GCP reference implementation we use Access Tokens to authenticate the docker client to AR. It seems to be too a known Docker desktop error https://forums.docker.com/t/docker-errors-dockerexception-error-while-fetching-server[…]nderror-2-no-such-file-or-directory-error-in-python/135637/5 Let us know if any of this helps
Thanks , yes it works locally
I followed the GCP reference implementation but when i do register i get this error
3/21/2024 9:20:44 AM UTC [ContainersNotReady|ErrImagePull]: containers with unready status: [fa3bd219837d8419fa3a-n0-1]|rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "<zone>-<http://docker.pkg.dev/|docker.pkg.dev/><project id>/flyte/flytekit:xF1cgf8oR_tem7zToRJ_Cw": failed to resolve reference "<zone>-<http://docker.pkg.dev/|docker.pkg.dev/><project id>/flyte/flytekit:xF1cgf8oR_tem7zToRJ_Cw": failed to authorize: failed to fetch oauth token: unexpected status from GET request to https://<zone>-<http://docker.pkg.dev/v2/token?scope=repository%3A|docker.pkg.dev/v2/token?scope=repository%3A><project id>%2Fflyte%2Fflytekit%3Apull&service=<zone>-<http://docker.pkg.dev|docker.pkg.dev>: 403 Forbidden
can you verify that the Kubernetes Service Account used by your execution is annotated with the
Yes i did .
I'm not able to repro. I have a deployment using the reference impl on GCP with AR and ImageSpec and it successfully push/pull images Maybe check you're logged in with
Are you using a command like this pyflyte --config ~/.flyte/config.yaml register
I just run it and works. It's just that I don't invoke the config file everytime you can export it to the
env var
Copy code
[✔] Registration example.get_data type TASK successful with version TkhqvkAkHrOGMDAt-uDADA==
[✔] Registration example.process_data type TASK successful with version TkhqvkAkHrOGMDAt-uDADA==
[✔] Registration example.train_model type TASK successful with version TkhqvkAkHrOGMDAt-uDADA==
[✔] Registration example.training_workflow type WORKFLOW successful with version TkhqvkAkHrOGMDAt-uDADA==
[✔] Registration example.training_workflow type LAUNCH_PLAN successful with version TkhqvkAkHrOGMDAt-uDADA==
Successfully registered 5 entities
Is it okay for you to share how the commands look like and the imagespec
Attached is the workflow that uses AR and ImageSpec The command follows the
pyflyte register <file>
My is in form of a poetry package
But i get this , something must be very wrong with my configurations.
i'm guessing envd doesn't have access to the registry you specified in your imagespec.
Yeah , maybe .
@Samhita Alla so how do i go around it .
does your terminal have access to your registry? you should be setting that up for envd to be able to access it.
Yeah it has