Hi :wave: I am exploring `pyflyte backfill` funct...
# ask-the-community
Hi πŸ‘‹ I am exploring
pyflyte backfill
functionality. We are using a custom function to fetch the input date in our pipelines. The pipeline where I am testing this functionality, runs on current date when no input is provided else picks the passed date. Problem I am facing now is that when I run backfill for the launchplan for 2 days, it is always picking the current date (because of existing logic) for all the subworkflows. While there is no option where we could pass the date via backfill, how can we fully utilise the functionality here ? Any inputs are really appreciated πŸ™‚
hi! isn't
suitable for your use case?
Not really. So we use a custom function to get input dates because for majority of our pipelines, it is
current-date - 1
that is required.
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def get_input_date(date: Optional[str]) -> str:
    date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if not date else date
    return date

def input_date_task(date: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    if not date:
        return (datetime.today() - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        return date
In this case the behaviour I saw by running the below
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pyflyte backfill -p project_test -d feature-branch -n test-backfill --execute --from-date 2024-03-23 --to-date 2024-03-25 launch_plan_fi
is a workflow that ran sub workflows for every cron schedule associated to the launch_plan but for each of those executions, it only picked the current date(25th March, 2024) because of our logic. I assume that
works if our input date picks the
otherwise its the above behaviour.
we can use
for our 2 pipelines that runs on current date but won’t work with the rest because of
current-date -1
sorry i don't understand. where are you using
we use it in our workflow, like below
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def test_workflow(ecosystem: str, date: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
    input_date_to_task = get_input_date(date=date)
    path = task_1(date=input_date_to_task)
we are not passing it as default_inputs because we had problems in the past and we both had a chat about this https://flyte-org.slack.com/archives/CP2HDHKE1/p1689249082278999 πŸ™‚
I am going to test with
in our pipeline and will post the results here. πŸ™‚
Is there a way we could convert Promise object to datetime ? Our tasks expect date to be in str format so I am trying something like below
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def workflow_test(ecosystem: str, kickoff_time: datetime) -> bool:
    # input_date_to_task = get_input_date(date=date)
    input_date_to_task = kickoff_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
but this fails
'Promise' object has no attribute 'strftime'
oh you cannot materialize promises in a workflow.
you need a task for that.
Thanks Samhita, that worked at task level. gratitude thank you I am still testing out backfill but I can confirm that it works by using the kickoff-time. Will reach out in this thread, if I need more help πŸ™‚