This week in Flyte (March 18 - 22) - :dart:<https:...
# announcements
This week in Flyte (March 18 - 22)🎯 Pandera 0.18 release ◦ Global validation on/off switch ◦ Granular control of schema/data validation • Huge thanks to @Bernhard Stadlbauer for a great KubeCon EU talk this week! ◦


• Several contributions: ◦ New GKE Helm values file for flyte-binary ◦ env vars can now be set via ConfigMap or K8s Secret ◦ and much more in progress ▪︎ BTW, 25% increase in # of contributors YoY 🙇🏽⚙️ Integrations survey is still onParticipate Upcoming • April Community Meeting ◦ @Michael Tinsley and team will share how Adarga evaluated options, why they picked up Flyte and how they're improving efficiency on their ML dev process. ▪︎ Tuesday, April 2 ▪︎ 9:00 am Pacific Time (time converter) ▪︎ Add it to your calendar ▪︎ Everybody is welcome to join, listen in and, hopefully, learn something new.