question - lets say i have a workflow with like 6 ...
# ask-the-community
question - lets say i have a workflow with like 6 tasks. task 5 has just failed after a few hours. i want to be able to just run task 5 'locally' in a notebook so i can figure out what went wrong. whats the best way to do this? i am having a lot of pain in just grabbing the inputs clipboard from the flyte UI for that task since its just a string and often the inputs into the task are actually custom python types. so i end up having to do a lot of boiler plate to go from "inputs string" -> "inputs json" -> all the nested special custom objects that my task needs as inputs.
Hi, you can try It allows you to use vscode to debug on the task pod and also provides an entrypoint to retrieve the inputs.
Oh cool, I'll ask our infra guy's about that
you can use the
to retrieve the input/output in your notebook.
Copy code
from flytekit.remote.remote import FlyteRemote
from flytekit.configuration import Config
remote = FlyteRemote(
and use this input to run your specific task
ohhh great - going to try this, thanks
lets say i have a inputs.pb on s3 like this s3://foo/bar-adhoc-ahlkpx2mm8ws4hmpkpq9/n0/data/0/start-node/inputs.pb is there a way to read in this inputs.pd into python using FlyteRemote?
trying to do something like this?