Hey, just ran into this. `Requested MEMORY limit ...
# ask-the-community
Hey, just ran into this.
Requested MEMORY limit [2G] is greater than current limit set in the platform configuration [1Gi].
, so how do I increase the memory limit? Thanks!
Hey Cornelis This is typically controlled in the
section. There's got to be a
set to 1Gi. This is the default resource request for Task Pods. In the absence of Limits (and not setting limits is better) Flyte will make Limit=Request. So raising that key should in turn raise the max amount of resources (mem in this case) a particular Task can request Does that make sense?
Let me have a look at the values of the chart, but yes that makes sense. Thanks!
Yup, found it
Are you using flyte sandbox (flytectl demo start)?
Flyte binary
Seems like task_resource defaults can't be set (or at least I don't see any examples for this) for flyte binary. Might need to switch to flyte core after all
^this worked
Sorry, for flyte-binary it would be
Example here
Awesome! Thanks
Hey, ran into another issue with task_resources. I've set the following in my helm chart:
Copy code
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 500Mi
        storage: 500Mi
        cpu: "10"
        memory: 20Gi
But when I try to register tasks that set a limit of 4 cpu. I'm getting the following error (suggesting as if the config was not taken?)
Copy code
USER:BadInputToAPI: error=None, cause=<_InactiveRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
        status = StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
        details = "Requested CPU limit [4] is greater than current limit set in the platform configuration [2]. Please contact Flyte Admins to change these limits or consult the configuration"
        debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:Error received from peer  {grpc_message:"Requested CPU limit [4] is greater than current limit set in the platform configuration [2]. Please contact Flyte Admins to change these limits or consult the configuration", grpc_status:3, created_time:"2024-03-20T11:29:01.232266149+01:00"}"
Issue was that I already had set task-resource-attributes via flytectl. Deleting that allowed the defaults to be picked up
great, thanks for confirming