We would like to use Cloud Events (cloudevents, cl...
# ask-the-community
We would like to use Cloud Events (cloudevents, cloud_events - added for searchability). Our Flyte cluster is deployed on DigitalOcean, so I don't have an easy to create a role-based trust with SNS/SQS on AWS (or maybe there is and I'm not aware of?). Any pointers on how can I get cloud events to an SNS or SQS on AWS from DigitalOcean Flyte cluster? (adding @Glime)
To integrate Cloud Events from your Flyte cluster deployed on DigitalOcean with AWS SNS or SQS, you would typically need to follow these steps: 1. ​*Enable Cloud Events in Flyte*​: First, ensure that Cloud Events are enabled and properly configured in your Flyte cluster. This involves adding the necessary configuration to your FlyteAdmin. The Cloud Events feature in Flyte supports various pub/sub systems including AWS SNS and SQS. For detailed configuration options, refer to the Flyte documentation on Cloud Events. Cloud Events Documentation 2. ​*AWS Credentials*​: Since your Flyte cluster is on DigitalOcean and you want to publish events to AWS SNS or SQS, you'll need to provide AWS credentials to your Flyte cluster that have the necessary permissions to publish to the desired SNS topic or SQS queue. This can be achieved by creating an IAM user or role in AWS with the appropriate permissions and then securely providing these credentials to your Flyte cluster. 3. ​*Securely Store AWS Credentials*​: You can store the AWS credentials as Kubernetes secrets in the same namespace as your Flyte deployment. Then, you can modify your FlyteAdmin's deployment to mount these secrets and use them for authenticating with AWS services. 4. ​*Configure Flyte to Use AWS Credentials*​: After storing the credentials, you'll need to ensure that the FlyteAdmin configuration references these credentials for Cloud Events. This might involve setting environment variables or modifying configuration files to use the credentials stored in Kubernetes secrets. 5. ​*Test the Integration*​: Once everything is set up, you should test the integration by triggering a workflow in Flyte and verifying that the Cloud Events are correctly published to the AWS SNS topic or SQS queue. Unfortunately, there isn't a direct role-based trust mechanism between DigitalOcean and AWS similar to what you can achieve within AWS services (e.g., assuming roles). The approach outlined above is a common pattern for cross-cloud integrations where direct trust relationships are not available. Remember to follow best practices for security, especially when handling AWS credentials. Regularly rotate these credentials and adhere to the principle of least privilege by only granting the necessary permissions needed to publish to SNS or SQS. --- This is an AI-generated response, take its recommendations with caution. Please help us improve the model accuracy by giving this response a thumbs up/thumbs down reaction. Sources https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/configuration/cloud_event.html/ 👍 button 👎 button
@Glime Can I get more information on how to actually tell FlyteAdmin where to get those credentials from?
To tell FlyteAdmin where to get AWS credentials from, especially for integrating with AWS services like SNS or SQS from a Flyte cluster deployed on DigitalOcean, you can utilize environment variables or Kubernetes secrets. The provided context does not directly address CloudEvents configuration or AWS integration. However, based on common practices for managing credentials in Kubernetes and Flyte's extensible architecture, here's a general approach: 1. ​*Using Kubernetes Secrets*​: Store your AWS credentials (
) in a Kubernetes secret within the same namespace as your Flyte deployment. 2. ​*Configure FlyteAdmin to Use the Secret*​: • You can mount the secret as environment variables in the FlyteAdmin pod. This involves modifying the deployment configuration of FlyteAdmin to include the secret as environment variables. • Alternatively, if FlyteAdmin supports reading from a file for credentials (similar to how it can for
), you could mount the secret as a file in the pod and configure FlyteAdmin to read from this file. 3. ​*Environment Variable Redirection*​: • If FlyteAdmin is expecting specific environment variables for AWS credentials, but you are storing them under different names (either directly as environment variables or in a file), you can use the environment variable redirection technique. For example, if FlyteAdmin expects
but you have it stored as
, you can set an environment variable in the FlyteAdmin deployment to redirect it:
. • This approach is similar to what is described in the provided context for redirecting
. 4. ​*Documentation and Community Resources*​: • For specific instructions and examples, refer to the Flyte documentation and community discussions. While the provided context does not include direct instructions for AWS credentials management, the principles of environment variable management and secret redirection are applicable. • Engage with the Flyte community on platforms like GitHub Discussions or Slack for community-driven advice and examples. Remember, managing credentials securely is critical. Ensure that access to these Kubernetes secrets is tightly controlled and that the principle of least privilege is applied to the IAM user or role whose credentials you are using. Sources https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/configuration/auth_setup.html/ https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/4968/ 👍 button 👎 button
The above didn't really help - if anyone have more insight how to provide those credentials (what are the expected env var names? where exactly should they be provided? how can I add envvars to flyte admin?...) Thanks!
We use kafka to handle our cloud events. And I know DO has a managed kafka now. Is that an option?
I was not aware they do! I will give it a try. Thanks for responding!