<@U06HBGN1SA0> whats the difference between flytec...
# ask-ai
@Glime whats the difference between flytectl demo and flytectl sandbox?
The main differences between
flytectl demo
flytectl sandbox
are related to their deployment architecture, usability, and intended use cases. Here's a summary based on the provided context: 1. ​*Deployment Architecture*​:
flytectl demo
uses a single binary that bundles all the Flyte components, making it much lighter and faster to bring up. This contrasts with
flytectl sandbox
, which mimics a full deployment by deploying all backend components separately. 2. ​*Usability and Performance*​: Due to its architecture,
flytectl demo
is faster and easier to start compared to
flytectl sandbox
. This makes
flytectl demo
more suitable for quick demonstrations and lighter workloads. 3. ​*Production Use*​: Interestingly, despite its name,
flytectl demo
can actually be run in production environments due to its lightweight nature. This is not the typical use case for a "demo" environment but highlights its efficiency and stability. 4. ​*Phasing Out of Sandbox*​: There are indications that
flytectl sandbox
is being phased out in favor of
flytectl demo
. This is likely due to the advantages of
flytectl demo
in terms of startup time and resource efficiency. 5. ​*Configuration and Customization*​:
flytectl demo
allows for certain configurations and customizations, such as setting resource defaults and limits through a config file. This flexibility can help tailor the demo environment to specific needs or constraints. 6. ​*Underlying Issues and Performance*​: There have been reports of issues with
flytectl sandbox
, such as workflows failing or running indefinitely, which might not occur with
flytectl demo
. This could be due to the different underlying architectures and resource requirements of the two modes. In summary,
flytectl demo
is designed to be a lighter, faster, and potentially more user-friendly alternative to
flytectl sandbox
, with the added capability of being used in production scenarios. The ongoing preference and development efforts seem to favor
flytectl demo
flytectl sandbox
. --- This is an AI-generated response, take its recommendations with caution. Please help us improve the model accuracy by giving this response a thumbs up/thumbs down reaction. Sources https://discuss.flyte.org/t/427873/release-flyte-does-not-exist-installing-it-now-w0520-06-19-5/ https://discuss.flyte.org/t/9145556/a-quick-question-what-s-the-difference-between-flytectl-sand/ https://discuss.flyte.org/t/39593/couple-of-problems-i-ran-into-while-i-try-to-go-through-http/ https://discuss.flyte.org/t/12352105/hello-what-s-the-difference-between-flytectl-demo-start-and-/ 👍 button 👎 button