Hi together, is there any guidance/roadmap on when...
# ask-the-community
Hi together, is there any guidance/roadmap on when the following bug will be addressed: UI unresponsive for large workflows ? We are currently running on Airflow and evaluated Flyte as an alternative. However, our workflows have many sub-workflows. We tend towards moving to Flyte but this bug is a hard blocker for us as it does not allow us to properly view large workflow executions.
There is a big UI update that should land soon. Cc @Jason Porter This should solve many of the problems. It’s slated for next version and is already in master being tested
@Rene Penkert - Yes we are currently beta testing/QA a substantial update to
. Included in these changes are a number of performance updates that should significantly improve performance for large workflows; both static and dynamic. The update is currently in
) and we plan to include it in the next flyte release 👍
Awesome, thanks a lot for the info and the quick response ! 👍