Can I set a concurrency policy when using a cron s...
# ask-the-community
Can I set a concurrency policy when using a cron schedule in a launch plan? Example:
That may not solve what I want, though. Concurrency policy is set per CronJob; in Flyte's case, it should be per Launch Plan.
i'm not sure if that's possible today. @Prafulla Mahindrakar could you confirm?
Flyte doesn’t use kubernetes controller for scheduling jobs, but has its own scheduler for scheduling flyte launchplans. Would be good enhancement to add to flytescheduler. @Debajyoti Chatterjee would be great if you could open an issue for this.
Flyte doesn’t use kubernetes controller for scheduling jobs, but has its own scheduler for scheduling flyte launchplans.
I understand; I was referring to K8s CronJobs as a reference.
would be great if you could open an issue for this.
I will. Thanks.