<@U06HBGN1SA0> what data is currently available fr...
# ask-ai
@Glime what data is currently available from the execution context?
From the provided context, the data available from the execution context in Flyte includes: 1. Workflow Metadata: This includes project, domain, workflow, version, and execution ID. These are crucial for differentiating between production and non-production resource management and associating resources with specific production metadata. This information is expected to be part of the Flyte context as mentioned in the discussion by Dylan Wilder and Ketan (kumare3) (source). 2. Task Execution Identifier: While there isn't a direct way to uniquely identify a task execution within the same workflow, you can retrieve the current context's execution ID and task ID. However, this doesn't uniquely identify two task executions within the same workflow as noted by Samhita Alla and Andrew Achkar (source). 3. Execution and Task Variables: There's a distinction between EXECUTION and TASK variables, where it's technically possible to launch a task in one project under another project. Thus, the execution in this case would be for the latter project, but the task would be for the former (source). 4. Execution ID Hash: It's possible to get the execution ID hash from inside a task, which can be retrieved using
as mentioned by Evan Sadler and Ketan (kumare3) (source). 5. Runtime Timestamps: Information about when a node or task was created, started, and updated is available. This includes
, and
timestamps (source). 6. Execution Parameters: Execution parameters contain most of the information needed, and it's recommended to use execution parameters instead of environment variables for future optimizations (source). This data can be used for various purposes, including resource management, associating resources with metadata, and understanding the execution flow and performance of tasks within workflows.
@Glime can you provide a list of attributes that can be retrieved from the Flyte context and their names. Please format your output as a bullet point list.
Based on the provided context, here is a list of attributes that can be retrieved from the Flyte execution context and their names: • Task NameTask VersionExecution IDDAG (other tasks, versions that are in this workflow) • LaunchPlanProjectDomain These attributes are mentioned as part of the motivation for having accessible meta information about the current runtime within a Flyte task during execution. This information is crucial for tasks that may need to swap behavior based on the domain or project they are running within or for tasks that need to interact with the wider Flyte cluster.
@Glime how do I access the project from the Flyte context?
To access the project from the Flyte context, you can utilize environment variables set within your task's container by Flyte at runtime. According to a discussion in the Flyte community, while it's not explicitly mentioned how to access the project directly from the Flyte context, one suggested method is to read it from the environment variables of your container. Flyte sets several environment variables that can be utilized for this purpose. Here's a general approach on how you might access environment variables in Python, which is commonly used with Flyte:
Copy code
import os  # Assuming 'FLYTE_PROJECT' is the name of the environment variable that holds the project name project_name = os.getenv('FLYTE_PROJECT') print(f"The project name is: {project_name}")
Please replace
with the actual name of the environment variable that Flyte sets for the project name. If you're unsure about the exact name of this environment variable, you may need to consult the Flyte documentation or reach out to the Flyte community for more specific guidance. For more detailed information on configuring your Flyte deployment and understanding how environment variables can be used within Flyte tasks, you might find the Flyte documentation helpful. Specifically, the "Configuring Your Flyte Deployment" section might provide more insights (Configuring Your Flyte Deployment).
You can, this thing is hallucinating all over the place
So I figured out how to access this information from the context objects (
) but one thing I am still missing is being able to access the
of the workflow that is executing the task.
Not a major problem that I’m not able to, but would definitely be nice.