Hello. I have been evaluating Flyte, and I have a ...
# ask-the-community
Hello. I have been evaluating Flyte, and I have a few questions. I have deployed Flyte in single binary mode and installed flytectl. • How can I update domain settings? Is there any documentation for all available domain settings? I have attached a screenshot for you to look over. • Flyte adds development, staging and production domains to a newly created project. Is there any way to customize this behaviour? Can I define my own domain and settings? • For every project and domain combination, Flyte creates a namespace. Can I customize this behaviour? Can I specify a namespace at the registration (
flytectl register files
) time? • I was unable to use
because we use Karpenter to provision Nodes, and the node selectors applied by
did not match with what Karpenter expected. Can we define custom accelerators that can apply developer-defined node selectors and tolerations? For now, I used
. • It will be nice to have some documentation about how to structure Python modules when using
> Can we define custom accelerators that can apply developer defined custom node selectors and tolerations? For toleration, I used the resource toleration settings in the plugin config.
Copy code
          - nvidia.com/gpu:
            - key: "nvidia.com/gpu"
              operator: "Exists"
              effect: "NoSchedule"
Flyte adds development, staging and production domains to a newly created project. Is there any way to customize this behaviour? Can I define my own domain and settings?
i believe it should be possible to change the domain names in the backend config.
Can I specify a namespace at the registration (
flytectl register files
) time?
you can specify the project and domain you want to register your tasks or workflows in.
It will be nice to have some documentation about how to structure Python modules when using
+1 it'd be nice if you could create an issue and include all the docs we can add. are you seeing any issues now?
> Can I define my own domain You can set the list of domains in the Helm chart:
Copy code
      - id: domain1
        name: domain1
      - id: domain2
        name: domain2
      - id: domain3
        name: domain3
How can I update domain settings?
The settings you see in the UI are under the
section of the config (docs) you can change it under
in the Helm chart
did not match with what Karpenter expected
how different is what Karpenter expects? According to the examples in the PR, what you set in Propeller's config should land on the
> According to the examples in the PR, what you set in Propeller's config should land on the
Let me look over the PR and see if I can understand the required configuration. I did not use a custom configuration while testing. Could you please point me to the example config sections on this PR? > how different is what Karpenter expects? For T4 GPU, I can use these documented labels in the node selector. https://karpenter.sh/docs/reference/instance-types/#g4dn-family
> +1 it'd be nice if you could create an issue and include all the docs we can add. are you seeing any issues now? I will try to open an issue by today.
> You can set the list of domains in the Helm chart: > configuration: > inline: > domains: > - id: domain1 > name: domain1 > - id: domain2 > name: domain2 > - id: domain3 > name: domain3 If I understand correctly, using this configuration, I cannot customize domains per project. I cannot set up domains D1 and D2 for project P1 and D3 and D4 for project P2. Flyte automatically creates namespaces with the pattern project_name-domain_name for every combination. Can I customize this behaviour? For example, when using Argo Workflow, I can apply the Argo Workflow manifest in a namespace, and all the DAG node pods will run in that namespace.
> According to the examples in the PR, what you set in Propeller's config should land on the nodeSelectorTerms I see that I can configure the node selector label key,
Copy code
    gpu-device-node-label: cloud.google.com/gke-accelerator
It seems like the value,
, is hardcoded for
. Looking at the label values that Karpenter supports, this hardcoded value will not work with Karpenter.
> It seems like the value,nvidia-tesla-t4, is hardcoded for accelerator=T4. Looking at the label values that Karpenter supports, this hardcoded value will not work with Karpenter. I was able to get it to work by adding
gpu-device-node-label: karpenter.k8s.aws/instance-gpu-name
in the K8s plugin config and using
in the task decorator.
@Debajyoti Chatterjee that's great to know and thanks for sharing. I don't think the keys for specific devices are hardcoded btw
Flyte automatically creates namespaces with the pattern project_name-domain_name for every combination. Can I customize this behaviour?
I think the closest you can get is using the `namespace_mapping`block (that you can set under
) You can change the template Flyte uses to name the namespaces (
) and you can even set Flyte executions to a specific namespace by configuring
to a static value https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/configuration/generated/flyteadmin_config.html#section-namespace-mapping But once the project and domains are defined, I don't see a way to prevent that Flyte creates all the combinations