Howdy folks! I am running `flyte-core` on GCP usi...
# flyte-deployment
Howdy folks! I am running
on GCP using helm, and I seem to be running into an issue when injecting k8s secrets via the flytepropeller webhook.
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RuntimeExecutionError: failed during plugin execution, caused by: failed to execute handle for plugin [container]: [InternalError] failed to create resource, caused by: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "<https://flyte-backend-flyte-binary-webhook.flyte.svc:443/mutate--v1-pod?timeout=10s>": service "flyte-backend-flyte-binary-webhook" not found
It seems that the service endpoint is not correct, as there is no service with that name. I’ve tried creating a new service, however it still cannot be accessed, since the certs are not valid.
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failed Execute for node. Error: failed at Node[g<my-task>]. RuntimeExecutionError: failed during plugin execution, caused by: failed to execute handle for plugin [container]: [InternalError] failed to create resource, caused by: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"<https://flyte-backend-flyte-binary-webhook.flyte.svc:443/mutate--v1-pod?timeout=10s>\": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for flyte-pod-webhook, flyte-pod-webhook.flyte, flyte-pod-webhook.flyte.svc, not flyte-backend-flyte-binary-webhook.flyte.svc","ts":"2024-02-09T19:15:22Z"}
Ideally I would like to just have flytepropeller call the service:
that is already created by the helm installation. Can anyone help me out with this?
Hi @Griffin Brome. Having a similar issue, but in AWS. Have you managed to find a solution?
No, unfortunately. I had to solve it at the application level instead