<@U06HBGN1SA0> Using the flytekit-java sdk, are th...
# ask-ai
@Glime Using the flytekit-java sdk, are there examples of how the client retrieves task results?
Based on the context provided, there are no direct references or examples specifically showing how to retrieve task results using the flytekit-java SDK. The provided links and content mainly focus on discussions around Flyte, including various topics like ContainerTasks with FlyteFile, class-based tasks workflows, execution dates of tasks, and the status of map tasks. However, there's a mention of running single tasks and accessing execution details in Flyte, which might be related but does not directly answer the question regarding the flytekit-java SDK. For detailed examples and guidance on using the flytekit-java SDK, including how to retrieve task results, it would be best to consult the official Flyte documentation or the flytekit-java GitHub repository. The official documentation often includes a comprehensive set of examples and use cases that can help understand how to interact with Flyte programmatically, including task execution and result retrieval.