:wave: Hello all, I'm investigating Flyte for our ...
# flytekit
👋 Hello all, I'm investigating Flyte for our use cases, I see all examples are in Python. I also see a Java/Scala SDK. Is it fair to assume I won't have limited functionality using it from our Scala applications?
Because all docs are basically Python example, I'm having a hard time reasoning about the Java support scope.
Java/Scala SDK is unfortunately not at all feature on par with the Python one.
Do you know if there is a summary of features across the SDK's? Like what I can't do via the Java SDK?
And maybe how hard features are to add? e.g. is it as simple as adding support via an API to a REST backend
First of all, I'm not entirely sure whether https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit-java/blob/master/jflyte-utils/src/main/java/org/flyte/jflyte/utils/AuthorizationHeaderInterceptor.java (sending id token via
gRPC header) would just work with flyteadmin's oauth, and you will need to create your own token source similarly as https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit-java/blob/master/jflyte-google-cloud/src/main/java/org/flyte/jflyte/gcp/GcpTokenSource.java. flytekit-java has support of container task, workflow, subworkflow, dynamic workflow task, branch node, etc. You can find examples in https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit-java/tree/master/flytekit-examples and https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit-java/tree/master/flytekit-examples-scala
We've recently integrated Flyte with some Spring Boot services, and essentially what it boiled down to was using the protos to build out client stubs w/ an auth interceptor to add the token. We're using an external OAuth provider that our Spring Boot services were already integrated with, so we were able to re-use some of that. The only flyte dependency we pulled in was
but as was mentioned above, there are some utils that may be helpful for you.
@Blake Jackson So you didn’t use the flytekit-java package at all?
We haven't so far. We've treated Flyte as just another gRPC API
Interesting. And you're being successful? Do you simply discover features via the Python API? Are you using it in production?
Cc @Haytham Abuelfutuh