I saw that work has been done recently by Eduardo ...
# contribute
I saw that work has been done recently by Eduardo about dynamic log links, the first use case being Flyin. Is there a plan for exposing the vscode service to the outside world in OSS? I assume we wouldn’t want to adapt the ingress … Am I correct that flyin so far is only a flytekit plugin with no logic in flyteplugins/propeller? How will the k8s service be created for vscode tasks?
Cc @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) @Byron Hsu Also, tomorrow's community meeting will feature this plugin
nice 👏
I’ll try to join
Yes Fabio, the link will be automatically added to the log links. Users can setup their own ingress rules. I am just hoping it does not become another support burden
Yeah Ingress can be tricky to debug for many 😕
But if propeller will adapt the ingress according to rules, I assume that propeller will also create a service for the task pod right? In contrast to port-forwarding, you can’t target a pod without a service in an ingress or am I missing something?
I do not think we will do that
I think the way I am thinking is to send back a pre configured link
But how will the vscode be exposed through the ingerss without a service object?
You can connect to pods directly
Interesting, haven’t seen this but then it makes sense 👍
Needs special ingress stuff - but I think complicating propeller to create and manage service lifecycle is for now out of scope
With “it” I mean expose pod through ingress without service