:wave: Is there a way in the UI to collapse/expand...
# ask-the-community
👋 Is there a way in the UI to collapse/expand everything on the
tab? I often have to manually drill into some pretty nested dynamics, only to lose what I expanded if I refresh the page.
there isn't. not sure if we want to support this. what do you think @Carina Ursu?
Hi @Alexandre Bondoux do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you mean?
👋 Sure! Here is how my workflow shows up
If I want to see what's going on with a model being trained, I need to unnest everything down to this level
I wish I would be able to toggle "expand all" then ctrl+f the name of the step I want to look at.
Well, I think it would be helpful to have a top level display of all currently running tasks
Thank you @Alexandre Bondoux this is very helpful to see the level of nesting that you are working with.
@Seth Hendrickson Do you mind explaining a little further what you imagine this to look like?
idk, just a list of all the running tasks?
Just without the nesting?
and without all the not-currently-running tasks
there could be 100 tasks in total but only 5 running
I want to see those 5 with zero drill-down
I gotcha. Thank you
@Seth Hendrickson have you tried using the filters for this? I know it only solves half the problem you’re having, but it may give you less to weed through
That doesn’t solve the nesting right?
no, not the nesting, that would be a new feature for us
right yeah the nesting is the real problem
since we go like 12 layers deep
My apologies for the inconvenience. I went ahead and created a ticket, and I’ll bring it up during planning to get some visibility into this request.