Question: is anyone actually using the `SQLAlchemy...
# ask-the-community
Question: is anyone actually using the
plugin for anything useful? In theory it would be really nice to avoid repeated boilerplate code but I seem to keep running into this problem of being unable to template secrets into the connection uri… specifically the combination of sqlalchemy + pyodbc requires that credentials are passed into the uri and there is no way to pass them using
. Anyone else run into problems like this?
I use it without such issues, I have followed this doc. If you can paste a specific error message I will try my best to help. On the other hand, I am not sure if
is the best option in general - while it is fine for selects, it does not seem to do much for inserting data.
Ya I agree, with fast registration it might be faster to use it directly and revamp it
My issue is the pyodbc (connector underpinning sqlalchemy connection to MSSQL) cannot accept secrets from
and there’s currently no way to template secrets into the uri… I have been able to use
to connect to Postgres, but only because psycopg2 is able to consume connection information from the
. Otherwise, yes it is seeming that it is just better to use sqlalchemy directly — even when only considering the select statement use case, this also gives control over things like streaming/chunked responses. It is just a little unfortunate that I have to repeat a lot of boilerplate code every time I want to do this.