Hey! Possibly a stupid question about deploying fl...
# flyte-on-gcp
Hey! Possibly a stupid question about deploying flyte on GCP. After applying the terraform manifests successfully, is there a way to get started with flyte before setting up the A DNS record? I'm probably missing something very obvious, but when I try to reach the ingress directly, I get 404s
@Artyom Korkhov welcome! I'm glad you're using the modules So I guess you're using the IP allocated by NGINX directly?
yup, pretty much just following the readme. a proper FQDN might take some time to setup, but I'd like to ideally a) understand if everything is installed correctly b) start running example jobs with Flyte
what happens if you go to
? is that where you get the 404?
kubectl get ingress -n flyte
gives an IP address, accessing it with both http/https gives Nginx's 404
what's the status of the Pods?
kubectl get pods -n flyte
Copy code
kubectl get pods -n flyte                                                                                                                                                        

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
datacatalog-75bf86bb9d-fswrs         1/1     Running   0          144m
flyte-pod-webhook-776c7bc497-p6dws   1/1     Running   0          144m
flyteadmin-fc9dbf4bc-lc4lj           1/1     Running   0          144m
flyteconsole-75b675c6b5-ds5f4        1/1     Running   0          144m
flytepropeller-d5878f847-twhjv       1/1     Running   0          144m
flytescheduler-5589cdfd8f-8tkhz      1/1     Running   0          144m
syncresources-9b5687f84-5j2c7        1/1     Running   0          144m
can you try with a local DNS entry? as Ingress is configured to route depending on host and path, I'm not sure it's going to do anything if we connect directly to the IP
can you try with a local DNS entry?
absolutely; could you please elaborate on how to get one?
there are different ways. probably the easiest would be to edit the
file in your OS. Like described here (see step 11)
Managed to check with port-forwarding; the
uri is accessible (but jumping between pages doesn't work ofc, leading to localhost addresses).
What host the local DNS entry should point to?
it should be just
Copy code
<your-Ingress-IP>       <your-Ingress-host>
that works! thank you so much! 🙏
awesome! Any other question please let us know