Hi, is it possible to have a `typing.Optional` inp...
# ask-the-community
Hi, is it possible to have a
input to a workflow?
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def wf(foo: Optional[str]):
gives me:
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Missing option '--foo'.
yes, try
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def wf(foo: Optional[str] = None):
Ah sorry I simplified my example a bit too much, Iā€™m using:
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def wf(foo: Optional[list[str]] = None):
Should I use a different default?
When trying
instead of `None`:
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Invalid value for '--foo': Failed to convert param <Option foo>, [] to typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]
Adding any string to the list and using that as default seems to work, not the prettiest but can progress with that šŸ™‚ :
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def wf(foo: Optional[list[str]] = [""]):
odd. might creating a issue for it. [flyte-bug]
Was a bug created for this? I'm encountering the same issue.