Another question - it seems like <eks-starter.yaml...
# flyte-deployment
Another question - it seems like eks-starter.yaml and eks-production.yaml were made identical 3 weeks ago - @David Espejo (he/him) seems like it was you. What's the rationale behind it? I was under the impression the eks-starter was meant to be simple to edit and manage.
Yeah, somehow it was a mistake. The idea is to just leave eks-starter
I'll fix it
ah yeah? I thought the intention was to have something small to get you going, and then move on to more complex configuration
That's the intention yes. What separated the former eks-production from starter was mainly a bunch of Spark-related configuration that was moved to the K8s plugins config docs. I think resuming work on creating a eks-production will depend on what we as a community consider "production". Certainly ingress is part of it (already on starter) but also auth
Production will mean totally different things for different companies, so I agree with what you are hinting - there's no real point on providing that as a single doc.