Hi, I occasionally am getting ```RPC Failed, with ...
# ask-the-community
Hi, I occasionally am getting
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RPC Failed, with Status: StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
        details: workflow with different structure already exists
I am actively developing the workflow and deploying+running it using
pyflyte run
. How is the "version" of the workflow being calculated?
you may want to re-register your workflow only when there are changes in the code or parameters.
I ran into this same issue. Instead of doing
pyflyte run
I did
pyflyte package
flytectl register
(as described here). You can specify a version when you do
flytectl register
You can use pyflyte register
And that will do all of this
Also pyflyte run you can provide a version
That is odd that you are changing code but version is not changing
We would love to understand more, as an escape hatch pass version to run
Hi, I managed to find the issue. I was passing a dict with configuration to a task directly in the workflow definition function. This dict ended up being part of the "template" and serialised. This worked well when the configuration was static, but then added a tag which contains a timestamp, which effectively changes the template every time it is "compiled" even if the source does not change.
Thanks a lot for your help! But in the end, it was my fault. Thanks again.
thank you for understanding and sharing
Hello 🙂 I'm piggybacking on this discussion as I'm noticing the same issue (
workflow with different structure already exists
) using
pyflyte run
pyflyte register
without changing the code. Looking at the "Input request" which makes the RPC fail, it seems that in my case its due to the
names which are changed each time I rerun the registration. E.g: •
The hash at the end of the name property changes.
For those map_tasks I'm transmitting the inputs using a serialized dataclass. I guess that somewhere here that something is changed at each rerun of the registration: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/master/flytekit/core/map_task.py#L85-L87
When I actually print this
which is hashed to be added at the end of the name of the map_task function, I'm noticing that the issue comes from the
object which has a naive str representation. Somewhere in my function signature I'm using
Annotated[FlyteDirectory, BatchSize(100)]
(this is the output of each task) and this translates in the
as: •
typing.Annotated[flytekit.types.directory.types.FlyteDirectory, <flytekit.core.type_engine.BatchSize object at 0x132e8fb50>]
The memory adress (
) in the str representation changes each time.
The quick & dirty solution I found to fix this is to implement my own subclass:
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class MyBatchSize(BatchSize):
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """returns the same naive str representation as any python object but without the memory address"""
        return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} object>"
and us this class to annotate the FlyteDirectory. Works like a charm.
@Ketan (kumare3) @Samhita Alla what do you think ? is it worth filing an issue ?
i believe so! please feel free to file an issue. great to hear that you figured it out!