<@U042Z2S8268> and co added logic in flyteadmin a ...
# contribute
@Byron Hsu and co added logic in flyteadmin a while ago to inject a user identifier from the auth token to ExecutionSpec. The user ID is added to the flyteworkflow custom resource but propeller currently doesn’t add it to pods, e.g. as a label. For us it would be very useful to have this info in the pod as a label, e.g. to attribute execution cost to users and in order to link experiments in our experiment tracking server to user accounts. Would it be reasonable in your opinion to add this user identifier to the pod?
@Fabio Grätz can this dovetail with the threaded auth discussion
I feel the discussion ^^ is much broader involving a new agent. what @Fabio Grätz needs it simply just propogate user info to the pod. +1 for adding that to the pod as long as it doesn’t break existing cases
Yes, my question wasn’t about using user credentials within the task but just labelling the task pod with the user id
imo it doesn’t hurt if we add it
In case the others agree, would you be willing to upstream your existing logic @Byron Hsu?
our codebase is a bit messy now XD it might be easier if you make the change on your side and upstream