I should specify in the above ^, I have a workflow...
# ask-the-community
I should specify in the above ^, I have a workflow in one file, and it imports and runs a task from another file. When the task is run, it fails at the top of the file when it tries to import a local file (which is neither the workflow file or the task file). I went into the pod when its running the task, and the only files in there are the workflow file and the task file. Is there a way to have it pull all files in so they can be imported, like a git pull from a repo? Or what is the general development cycle for that?
ahh, perfect i’ll try that out. do you know if that follows any ignore files, like
or anything?
i'm not aware of any ignore mechanisms that s actually documented in the link below one thing that isn't well documented imo are the assumptions made by
pyflyte run
vs more realistic / production use cases https://docs.flyte.org/projects/cookbook/en/stable/getting_started/package_register.html is the best document for that
ahhh, beautiful, I see that. I’ll read through that doc some more, thank you. one follow up, if you don’t mind. It seems like my
pyflyte run
pyflyte build
commands are taking quite awhile to run (a few minutes or so before anything outputs). any idea how to debug that? But maybe I should be using `register`i need to read up on the use cases for that
Copy code
  endpoint: redacted
  authType: Pkce
  clientId: redacted
  show-source: true
  level: 0
i think the
here effects the CLI, but I'm not sure what numeric value is what level
sounds good, I’ll give some levels a try. I see 3 looks like the default, and another page mentions 20