I use a single cluster deployment in AWS EKS. Afte...
# flyte-deployment
I use a single cluster deployment in AWS EKS. After ~ 1 year + of no issues, today the service is 503 unavailable and my pod is in CrashLoopBackoff. This from the logs
{"json":{"src":"application_config_provider.go:32"},"level":"fatal","msg":"missing database password at specified path [/var/run/secrets/flyte/db-pass]","ts":"2023-12-06T18:12:31Z"}
Seems a wrong deployment
also Cody write a blog 😝
@Cody Scandore are you still having issues? have you tried restarting the Deployment? like
kubectl rollout restart deployment/flyte-binary
The secret should be mounted
Resolved with a redeploy, thank you both