Going through <this> example (merge-sort by dynami...
# ask-the-community
Going through this example (merge-sort by dynamic and static workflows). I have several questions: 1. I ran locally modifying the
to 5, and adding
print(f'sorting locally {len(numbers)}')
to the
function. However, I still see it's being executed on a list of length 10! Maybe something is wrong with the condition in a local execution? how can I debug this? 2. The UI doesn't show all the levels. It gives me the "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error. I couldn't find this string in the repositories to understand where it is coming from. 3. Using
here is interesting. The issue is you need to stop the recursive compilation of the workflow in register time, and make sure it's only happening at runtime. It's worth noting in the tutorial. Essentially, when doing the merge-sort, the dynamic flow is compiled when we go down the recursion 1 level at a time.
1. have you modified the
variable to 5? 2. seems like a UI issue: cc @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) 3. dynamic workflows are always compiled at run time
1. Yes of course 2. Thanks 3. Yes, I'm aware. The main purpose was to indicate something that's not obvious from the documentation. Looking at the dynamic workflow in the example, it seems nothing of dynamic nature in it. But since the dynamic workflow calls to the static workflow, which in turn calls back to the dynamic workflow. One of these must be defined as dynamic - and that's a really strong concept.
@Samhita Alla @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) created issue: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/4484
1. oh. how can it execute on a list of length 10? that's weird. it works for me, though. 2. thanks for creating the issue. 3. understood. please feel free to contribute to the docs!
I don't know!! very weird... here's the code (just run the file):
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import json
import typing
from datetime import datetime
from random import random, seed
from typing import Tuple

from flytekit import conditional, dynamic, task, workflow

# seed random number generator

def split(numbers: typing.List[int]) -> Tuple[typing.List[int], typing.List[int], int, int]:
    left_len = int(len(numbers) / 2)
    right_len = int(len(numbers)) - left_len
    print(f'splitting {left_len}/{right_len}')
    return (
        numbers[0: left_len],

def merge(sorted_list1: typing.List[int], sorted_list2: typing.List[int]) -> typing.List[int]:

    result = []
    left_len = len(sorted_list1)
    right_len = len(sorted_list2)
    print(f'merging {left_len}/{right_len}')

    while len(sorted_list1) > 0 and len(sorted_list2) > 0:
        # Check if current element of first array is smaller than current element of second array. If yes,
        # store first array element and increment first array index. Otherwise do same with second array
        if sorted_list1[0] < sorted_list2[0]:


    return result

def debug_print(desc: str, args: dict[str, typing.Union[int, str]]) -> int:
    print(json.dumps(args, indent=2))
    return 42

def sort_locally(numbers: typing.List[int]) -> typing.List[int]:
    print(f'sorting locally {len(numbers)}')
    # if len(numbers) > 5:
    #     raise RuntimeError('ahhhh too large')
    return sorted(numbers)

# debug_print(desc='merge_sort_remotely args', args={'numbers_count': len(numbers), 'run_local': run_local_at_count})

def merge_sort_remotely(numbers: typing.List[int], run_local_at_count: int) -> typing.List[int]:
    split1, split2, new_count1, new_count2 = split(numbers=numbers)
    sorted1 = merge_sort(numbers=split1, numbers_count=new_count1, run_local_at_count=run_local_at_count)
    sorted2 = merge_sort(numbers=split2, numbers_count=new_count2, run_local_at_count=run_local_at_count)
    return merge(sorted_list1=sorted1, sorted_list2=sorted2)

def merge_sort(numbers: typing.List[int], numbers_count: int, run_local_at_count: int = 5) -> typing.List[int]:
    return (
        .if_(numbers_count <= run_local_at_count)
        .then(merge_sort_remotely(numbers=numbers, run_local_at_count=run_local_at_count))

def generate_inputs(numbers_count: int) -> typing.List[int]:
    generated_list = []
    # generate random numbers between 0-1
    for _ in range(numbers_count):
        value = int(random() * 10000)

    return generated_list

if __name__ == "__main__":
    count = 20
    x = generate_inputs(count)
    print(f"Running Merge Sort Locally...{merge_sort(numbers=x, numbers_count=count)}")
I added a "print" in the sort-locally - and I can see "sorting locally 10..."
is still 20, right?
what do you mean? at which point?
btw, adding an exception to `sort_locally`:
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def sort_locally(numbers: typing.List[int]) -> typing.List[int]:
    print(f'sorting locally {len(numbers)}')
    if len(numbers) > 5:
        raise RuntimeError('ahhhh too large')
    return sorted(numbers)
and submitting to Flyte sandbox works - so I'm assuming this bug doesn't happen in the deployed service. Maybe it's related to running the workflow locally (which I believe is totally different)
it works as expected for me. what have you set
@Samhita Alla 5 of course 🙂 I'm running the above code as-is (
python merge_sort.py
). I created a brand new environment for python 3.11 and 3.10 and installed
package only. This is the output:
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╰─$ python merge_sort.py 
[3033, 6634, 6119, 4576, 5913, 6872, 2058, 9155, 1801, 9976, 6987, 2455, 6965, 4731, 715, 1633, 2342, 2882, 7712, 2433]
splitting 10/10
sorting locally 10
splitting 5/5
sorting locally 5
sorting locally 5
merging 5/5
sorting locally 10
splitting 5/5
sorting locally 5
sorting locally 5
merging 5/5
merging 10/10
Running Merge Sort Locally...[715, 1633, 1801, 2058, 2342, 2433, 2455, 2882, 3033, 4576, 4731, 5913, 6119, 6634, 6872, 6965, 6987, 7712, 9155, 9976]
As you can see, I can see "sorting locally 10" lines. I was suddenly thinking it might be related to the M2 Pro chipset I'm using, so I tried running inside a docker for
platform but got a similar result. I installed the latest
would you mind sharing with me the pyflyte run command?
I wasn't running
. On the sandbox cluster it works fine. I was just running it locally using
python merge_sort.py
oh, in that case you need to modify
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if __name__ == "__main__":
    count = 20
    x = generate_inputs(count)
    print(f"Running Merge Sort Locally...{merge_sort(numbers=x, numbers_count=count)}")
Copy code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    count = 5
    x = generate_inputs(count)
    print(f"Running Merge Sort Locally...{merge_sort(numbers=x, numbers_count=count)}")
@Samhita Alla created an issue as discussed