<@U04664Z7H37> / <@U03C1MJQ892> / and so many othe...
# contribute
@Fabio Grätz / @Bernhard Stadlbauer / and so many others, how about talking at kubecon EU conference and sharing some things in flyte?
I would be interested! @Ketan (kumare3) Do you know whether a talk about a usecase of Flyte (e.g. estimating carbon credits) or rather a talk about Flyte itself would have a better chance?
@Bernhard Stadlbauer
I would be interested!
Great, let's craft a proposal soon, deadline is next Sunday 🙂 And definitely a talk about a use case (and the one you mention) is not only super interesting but seems to have more chances to be accepted
Ok, does anyone have experience with those? I.e. writing it with a higher likeklyhood of getting accepted? Happy to put up a first draft
Always take about usecases are better
@Bernhard Stadlbauer not a ton of experience but I can help. Let's put a draft in place and we can start iterating. The basics: Abstract (1,000 characters max) and Benefits to the ecosystem. The idea is to define clearly what attendees will learn in the session. I usually start with checking past conference schedules to see the average tone of accepted sessions
Submitted a session - let’s see how it goes 🤞
Seeing this only now sorry, was out sick for a few days 😕
Would be happy to talk about Flyte at a future KubeCon.
Awesome that you submitted a session @Bernhard Stadlbauer 👏
Ah dang! Would have loved to have a second speaker! The talk I’ve submitted now does have a bit of a “Climate/carbon market” touch to it now, so probably hard to get you on as a second speaker?
@Bernhard Stadlbauer I think you still can edit the session and add a co speaker?
Yep, the only problem being that the session’s storyline involves Pachama/the carbon market 🤦‍♂️ But happy to try to figure something out in case you’re interested @Fabio Grätz
I think mixing the talk with what we do will be difficult (automotive :S)
I think I’ll just jump on the next opportunity 🙂
After all: will then be 2 additional talks about Flyte out there
But thanks a lot for offering!
AFAIK, there were 5 submissions from community members, so hopefully there will be some Flyte buzz in Paris next year!
Oh nice! I guess given how last minute I’ve submitted mine it might not stand a chance anyway 🙂 Looking forward to it - let’s hope that a few submissions are accepted 🤞
I guess given how last minute I’ve submitted mine it might not stand a chance anyway
Nah, submissions are randomized before the Program Committee reviews them