Hi everyone, I’m getting this error: `elasticsear...
# ask-the-community
Hi everyone, I’m getting this error:
elasticsearch.NotFoundError: NotFoundError(404, "{'_index': 'enabled_entities', '_id': 'Promise(node:.entity_id)', 'found': False}")
But I want to undersntand the Promise thing.In this scenario, entity_id in a parameter and not a result from a task, simplified, this is the workflow/class interaction:
Copy code
def some_workflow(entity_id: int):
    instanse = SomeClass(entity_id=entity_id)
class SomeClass:
    def __init__(self, entity_id: int):
        lb = AnotherClass()
The error above, happens on lb.process that basically calls to elastic to get some data. Why flyte is passing the parameter as Promise?
How are you using
in your Flyte pipeline?
Copy code
def some_workflow(entity_id: int):
    instanse = SomeClass(entity_id=entity_id)

class SomeClass:
    def __init__(self, entity_id: int):
        lb = AnotherClass()
        lb.process(entity_id) #fails here
@Samhita Alla like this
I don't think this will work 'cause you cannot create an instance of a class in a workflow. Can you call a task and encapsulate the instance creation within a Flyte task?