Hi guys, I'm trying to parse an DictConfig type to...
# ask-the-community
Hi guys, I'm trying to parse an DictConfig type to flyte task argument, but I always get an error of
tests/test_flyte_data_task.py::test_flyte_instantiate_dataloader - FileNotFoundError: Failed to convert inputs of task 'tasks.data_loader.instantiate_dataloader'
Copy code
E               FileNotFoundError: Failed to convert inputs of task 'tasks.data_loader.instantiate_dataloader':
E                 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'file:///var/folders/31/c1jnr3_53792wz4xwx7z_5d40000gp/T/flyte-zalurh47/raw/5a6cc7b722d94c054f32feb399f8266d/2cd02603e7428bdd7b0104aebad2d3eb'
Yeah I found the issue and downgraded the version