:wave::skin-tone-4: Hello good people: The follow...
# events
👋🏽 Hello good people: The following conferences have open CFPs and we don't want to be solo heroes. If you'd be up to work on a proposal for a jointed talk, sharing with a broader audience your experience with Flyte or what you have learned so far, don't hesitate to reach out: 1. Data Council Austin a. CFP b. Deadline: November 8 c. When: March 26-28, 2024 2. Kubecon EU a. CFP b. Deadline: November 26th c. Where: Paris d. When: March 2024 3. OSDC East a. CFP b. Deadline: November 24 (1st round), February 12 (2nd round) c. Where: Boston d. April 23-25, 2024 4. Machine Learning Developers Summit a. CFP b. Deadline: December 3 c. Where: Bangalore d. When: Feb 1, 2024 We're happy to help come up ideas and/or edit/review the abstract. Thank you!