Finally my workflow works all the way through! Bu...
# ask-the-community
Finally my workflow works all the way through! But... I guess I'm left with another question now... is there a way to get the data without copying the json string from the gui?
you have programmatic access to the executions. If you want to use python you can use flyteremote. If that's not a possibility, you can use flytectl or resort to hitting the api directly:
Also we are working on sharable links - coming soon
Also a bigger story on artifacts is happening too - which helps in all ways of sharing data
So, Are there any examples of this being used in practice? Like, lets say someone runs some heavy analysis and gets a dataframe back, and then they want to mess around with that dataframe locally? I guess I have to have pyflyte wrapper scripts that save the exec id to disk, and then also download the data when the wf/task is completed?
Just trying to get an idea if our requirements are unique, or if I'm thinking about this in the wrong way.