Hi Community, I have moved my PR to the Flyte mon...
# ask-the-community
Hi Community, I have moved my PR to the Flyte mono repo. However, I've noticed a potential bug that might need to be addressed. Here's the issue: the Golang import statements should remain consistent, but if you use
to generate files (as seen in the link below), it modifies the import module. This behavior is unexpected and could lead to potential issues. https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/4106/files#diff-31e622c50285d871b0e7bc94647ff354da9d593004a6fe954a9049414aafc205R9 Could someone please take a look and confirm if this is a bug or if there’s a specific reason for this change that I might not be aware of? Thanks in advance for your help and insights!
we will remove flyteidl/boilerplate, this file is not generated from proto
Thanks a lot’