Hey community, just a quick clarification question...
# ask-the-community
Hey community, just a quick clarification question and apologies in advance if its a dumb question, So with
pyflyte run
commands, you can specify a
flag and pass in a Python dict to propagate variables to the container running the workflows/tasks. like so:
pyflyte run --envs {"var1":"hello","var2":"world"} --image etcetcetc workflowfile
---- What would be the equivalent mode of passing an
like dictionary In the context of
pyflyte register
pyflyte launchplan
? Context being:
pyflyte register -p flytesnacks --image imagename:1.0.5 --version v0.0.2a ./workflow.py
pyflyte launchplan -p flytesnacks -d staging launchplan-name v0.0.1a --activate
We see some docs about default and fixed inputs but are not sure if this is the exact same thing
no fixed and default inputs are inputs to the workflow/launch plan itself. nothing to do with dictionaries.
does register not support --envs?
it does not.
um… can you make a ticket for this? we can add it.
@Yee Sorry, I don't mean specifically a Python dictionary but basically a dictionary-like strucutre/JSON object that you can pass into the container runtime of the pod/task through a pyflyte CLI command. So basically environment variables for the shell/container runtime - but ticket is made