Has anyone integrated Flyte with JumpCloud as an I...
# ask-the-community
Has anyone integrated Flyte with JumpCloud as an IDP? I'm having trouble with the integration and it appears from the Flyte logs that they are returning a userinfo object that isn't compliant (email_verified as a string instead of a boolean) but I'm not sure..
BTW, support for email_verified as a string instead of a boolean, which appears to be a common pitfall for even large IDP's such as AWS Cognito and Apple, has been added in coreos/go-oidc v3 (with this commit). Flyte is still using v2, any plans on upgrading?
I have not heard of anyone using jumocloud. It’s crazy number of idps and all are slightly different
Cc @Haytham Abuelfutuh maybe we can upgrade but will take a bit
Thanks for reporting that, @Guy Harel. Auth has been challenging given how different IdPs and different companies set it up... It's still a striking difference compared to pre-Oauth2 world but still a ways to go before it becomes really compatible (if ever!) Here is a quick PR to address the upgrade: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteadmin/pull/618 There doesn't seem to be any obvious API breaking changes... will need to work on validating the change before we get this in. But I do appreciate a second set of eyes on this.
Thanks @Haytham Abuelfutuh, I would gladly help test out the change if you can provide a flyte-binary image URL. We are currently using the helm chart flyte-binary-v1.9.1.
@Guy Harel sorry it took this long, here is the single binary version: ghcr.io/flyteorg/flyte-binary:sha-a45a7f8eef92a48dc4a0fb885d079275a5ef3d57
Hi @Haytham Abuelfutuh, bumping this, is there an ETA on the PR (https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/4139) ? Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to try the new image yet, we are using Terraform and Helm so I would need it embedded in a Helm chart...
Cc @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario)
I updated the monorepo PR: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/4139. A new single-binary image is also being built to help testing.
Updated the PR, will merge when it's ready
Thank you @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) and @Haytham Abuelfutuh for pushing this through, I confirm that v1.10.6 works with JumpCloud :)
@Guy Harel Were you able to to get the Flyteconsole, Flytectl, and Flytepropeller setup in Jumpcloud? Or only the authorization for user access?
Hi @Hal Wolin, only the user access. I went with the built-in authentication for the rest.
Thanks. What did you setup the other app integrations? I'm referencing the "hard" directions here:https://github.com/davidmirror-ops/flyte-the-hard-way/blob/main/docs/aws/10-prepare-for-auth.md
I deployed using the flyte-binary helm chart, so I'm not sure exactly what it provisioned