Hi all, is there a canonical way for dynamic workf...
# ask-the-community
Hi all, is there a canonical way for dynamic workflows to collect only succesful sub-tasks? I have a task A that may or may not succeed. I have a dynamic workflow D that launches a bunch of instances of A, with various parameters. I want to collect only the successful results of A, aggregate them, and then return that result from D. I've seen discussions of an
parameter, but that seems to have been removed when moving away from sdk tasks. There's the
, but while that would allow every sub-task to run, it doesn't seem that it would allow D to run. My current approach is to wrap A in a
that returns an empty result, but D can't inspect the results to ignore A, so the aggregator has to decide if this is a valid result or not. Does anyone have a better idea for how to return what is effectively a "I failed, but it's okay, just ignore me" signal?
no you’re going to need an aggregator some how
if you use an optional type that might make the logic cleaner
and if all the subtasks you can use a map task, which still has an allowed failure ratio
(if you specify a failure ratio <1 the output of the map task by default becomes a list of optionals)
but you are still on the hook to do the proverbial filter by is not none
Cool, that makes sense. Thanks! Just for my understanding - the reason it's like this is that the dynamic task is run at instantiation and then returns the DAG, and the actual promise objects don't get collected until that goes into another task?
that is what happens yeah, but the reason that propeller only knows how to pass inputs and outputs. it doesn’t know how to: pass if not None (or other things that people have asked for in the past like: add 1 to an output before passing it on. for small use-cases you can use conditional workflows