When using ImageSpec, If users supply an `imagespe...
# ask-the-community
When using ImageSpec, If users supply an
file to the
pyflyte run --image image.yaml
command like this, where are users configuring the
context in order to supply the envd-plugin with the
TCP address to start a build on a remote machine? Is this something that is currently not supported? We could probably hack around it ourselves but wondering if there was a better solution that others have come up with first
you could create an envd context first before registration, then flytekit will use that context to build the image. If you don’t create a context, envd will create a context (docker container) by default.
Okay that makes sense, and I guess we can write some sort of internal tool to abstract that kind of config from our data scientists but would be nice to have this rolled into the plugin/flytekit SDK in the future as a configurable option. Or some way to affect
envd context create --builder tcp --builder-address <...>
in the future with maybe flags or some field in the yaml file etc. But anyways, thanks for the help! We can make do with that for now
yes, we can. that gives users some flexibilities to change the context. would you mind creating a issue or pr for it?
Ok I can do that no problem
@Kevin Su I made this issue here: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/4001 Thank you for your help in advance, it is greatly appreciated