Hi all, I am trying to register my workflow to my ...
# ask-the-community
Hi all, I am trying to register my workflow to my remote server using
pyflyte register
, but there seems to be an error in it, this is my config.yaml file,
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  # For GRPC endpoints you might want to use dns:///flyte.myexample.com
  endpoint: dns:///<ip>:30080
  insecure: true
  insecureSkipVerify: true
  authType: Pkce
  endpoint: http://<ip>:30080
  show-source: true
  level: 0
and this is the command I've used,
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$ pyflyte register wf/wf.py.py -p flytesnacks -d development -v v0

Running pyflyte register from ... with images ImageConfig(default_image=Image(name='default', fqn='<http://cr.flyte.org/flyteorg/flytekit|cr.flyte.org/flyteorg/flytekit>', tag='py3.9-1.9.0'), images=[Image(name='default', fqn='<http://cr.flyte.org/flyteorg/flytekit|cr.flyte.org/flyteorg/flytekit>', tag='py3.9-1.9.0')]) and image destination folder /root on 1 package(s) ('wf.py',)
Registering against <ip>:30080
Detected Root wf/, using this to create deployable package...
No output path provided, using a temporary directory at /tmp/tmpf0r53rz7 instead
Failed with Unknown Exception <class 'keyring.errors.InitError'> Reason: Failed to create the collection: Prompt dismissed..
Failed to create the collection: Prompt dismissed..
The remote server is reachable from the machine, I tried getting the UI in browser and it works fine, but there seems to be a problem in
pyflyte register
is this a sandbox deployment? also,
set to true doesn't do much when
is also set to
. Try not using that option and let us know
I don’t know what you mean by sandbox deployment, also, I’ve tried not using the option insecureSkipVerify, still facing the same issue. I’ve started my flyte server on my remote machine, which is on the same network.
right. "sandbox" deployment is what we typically do when we run
flytectl demo start
Then yes it is a sandbox deployment. I’ve started the sandbox on remote machine, and tried to register my workflow from my local machine, both of the machines were in the same network.
Have you been to resolve the error, @Durgai Vel?
No, still facing the same error. I am able to get the workflows registered to the server without modifying the config.yaml file, like
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$ flytectl get task -p flytesnacks -d development
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$ pyflyte register ...
$ pyflyte run ...
$ pyflyte run --remote ...
all the above commands were throwing the same error,
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Failed with Unknown Exception <class 'keyring.errors.InitError'> Reason: Failed to create the collection: Prompt dismissed..
Failed to create the collection: Prompt dismissed.
@Samhita Alla
Looks like a keyring issue to me.
If nothing's working, can you teardown and start your demo cluster again?
for future reference, I had this problem on a linux vm. got around it via:
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python -m keyring --disable