hiya, Im pretty sure this is a silly question. but...
# ask-the-community
hiya, Im pretty sure this is a silly question. but I am trying to execute a flyte workflow remotely as follows
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config = Config.auto()

remote = FlyteRemote(config=config, default_domain=FLYTE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, default_project=FLYTE_DEFAULT_PROJECT)

flyte_wf = remote.fetch_workflow(name="flyte.my_wf", version="v1")
And i want to specify the dns endpoint to be
I can see that the
method has this in the docstring
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        Automatically constructs the Config Object. The order of precedence is as follows
          1. first try to find any env vars that match the config vars specified in the FLYTE_CONFIG format.
          2. If not found in environment then values ar read from the config file
          3. If not found in the file, then the default values are used.

        :param config_file: file path to read the config from, if not specified default locations are searched
        :return: Config
Where it mentions first it will try to find environment variables that match the config variables specified in a specific format? Which format is this? Is this the flyte config.yaml file that gets generated at
? so should the environemnt variable be called
or somethign else?
nevermind me! https://docs.flyte.org/projects/flytekit/en/latest/configuration.html i am not sure how i missed this but the docs state it very clearly
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Environment Variables: Users can specify these at compile time, but when your task is run, Flyte Propeller will also set configuration to ensure correct interaction with the platform. The environment variables must be specified with the format FLYTE_{SECTION}_{OPTION}, all in upper case. For example, to specify the PlatformConfig.endpoint setting, the environment variable would be FLYTE_PLATFORM_URL.