Does anyone configure notifications for workflows ...
# flyte-on-gcp
Does anyone configure notifications for workflows on GKE? It seems like it is supported for aws only?
I don’t think we were able to do it right @Mohd Shahid Khan Afridi
Yeah, we also weren't able to do it using GKE alone, had to use aws for this
Oh no… bad news Tnx anyway!
Is it something on the roadmap? @Yee @Ketan (kumare3) @David Espejo (he/him) @jeev
@Mohd Shahid Khan Afridi do you remember what issues you ran into?
i’m not sure that gke necessarily doesn’t work. There is definitely some gcp handling code in admin - perhaps this is just a case of missing documentation.
Since notification are email based and there is no support for gmail that's where we got stuck -> code refernce. We were left with option to either setup sendgrid + GCP topic or use aws emailer, since we already had aws in use for other services in our org we decided to go with aws for notification specifically rest everything is on GKE.
@Yee ^
ah right thanks, the emailer.
but you can use sendgrid no?
@Ariel Kaspit would a gcp emailer be something you can contribute?
Yeah sendgrid can be used but its a paid service, we already had aws so we moved with that
Is there an option to configure workflow notifications to be sent to a Slack channel?
we’re not interested with alerts to mail… so why do we need the emailer as a blocker?
Even the slack notification are sent as email only, so essentially you generate the email address for your slack channel and provide it as recipient address in your notification
hmmm 😞 is there any workaround to get notifications on workflow failures? for example, a task which runs on failure which we will implement it with slack webhook?