Hello, I have Flyte server deployed to EKS cluster...
# ask-the-community
Hello, I have Flyte server deployed to EKS clusters in three different environments (dev, beta and prod ). How in Flyte task code to get the environment it’s running in? I am aware of one way that requires to register the workflow in different domains.
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os.getenv("FLYTE_INTERNAL_TASK_DOMAIN", "dev")
However, it’s not telling the EKS environment.
Sorry, what do you mean by EKS environment, Frank? Do you not want to fetch the Flyte domain?
I’m pretty sure that Frank has 3 instances of flyte setup in three different aws accounts. @Frank Shen can you use boto to grab the aws account ID and keep a dict mapping AWS ID -> ENV? My intuition says there there is a k8s way to do this by adding default env vars somewhere in the helm charts, but I don’t have the k8s knowledge or flyte context to know for sure.
dict mapping AWS ID -> ENV is an ingenious way Thank you @Evan Sadler!
Hi @Evan Sadler, For the WBD Bolt Flyte Dev, a AWS certificate has been created and referenced like:
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        enabled: true
              enabled: false
              clientId: xxx
            accountNumber: "123"
            accountRegion: "us-east-1"
            environment: "development"
            certificateArn: "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123:certificate/yyy"
This is to override the values-eks.yaml. I think this is EKS cluster certificate. I am trying to create certificate for stage and production envs. And for that the cluster engineering is asking for the git repo that has been used to create the existing certificate. Do you know if that certificate was created using a git repo? If so, do you know how I can find that repo? Thanks. P.S. the domain for the certificate in the Bolt Dev AWS account is flyte.example.org.
@Frank Shen unfortunately I am not sure what this is from. It would have been Justin who set that up
Hi @Evan Sadler, Do you know the last name / initial of Justin?
I think is was Justin LaRose
Hi @Evan Sadler, In the Bolt Flyte dev cluster, There are these k8s secrets. 1. flyte-postgresql-manualcopy. Do you remember how this was created? And How do I retrieve the decrypted password?
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            ### This secret needs to exist in the flyte namespace prior.
              name: flyte-postgresql-manualcopy
In the example values from Flyte:
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    name: db-pass
      # -- Leave it empty if your secret already exists
      # Else you can create your own secret object. You can use Kubernetes secrets, else you can configure external secrets
      # For external secrets please install Necessary dependencies, like, of your choice
      # - <https://github.com/hashicorp/vault>
      # - <https://github.com/godaddy/kubernetes-external-secrets>
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: db-pass
      type: Opaque
        # -- If using plain text you can provide the password here
        pass.txt: "{{ .Values.userSettings.dbPassword }}"
2. flyte-secret-auth, how was this secret created? and how was the additional FLYTE_DATABRICKS_API_TOKEN got added?
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kubectl get secret -n flyte flyte-secret-auth -o json
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "data": {
        "client_secret": "Zm9vYmFyCg=="
    "kind": "Secret",
The example values:
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    # -- If enabled is true, helm will create and manage `flyte-secret-auth` and populate it with `clientSecret`.
    # If enabled is false, it's up to the user to create `flyte-secret-auth` as described in
    # <https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/cluster_config/auth_setup.html#oauth2-authorization-server>
    enabled: true
    clientSecret: foobar
    clientId: flytepropeller
If it’s created automatically by Flyte as described above (setting enabled: true) , then what was the decrypted clientSecret value? In the dev cluster’s overriding values:
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              enabled: false
              clientId: 0oa3op8ubeMDXDCcC697
How come the clientId got changed from the default value ‘flytepropeller’? Thank you very much if you can provide any useful history of the secrets!