I'd like to contribute<https://github.com/flyteorg...
# contribute
I'd like to contribute a PR adding support for Azure sovereign clouds to your forked implementation of stow. Checks are passing, how can I get a reviewer?
Ohh please share a link to Pr here we can review
see above^
ping on this, just tested in my environment and this works well
Thank you @Gopal Vashishtha
Small request to add a test if you can if not just Ping me here - we can merge
Thanks for merging, Ketan! When should I expect the flyte Docker images to have this change included in them?
Cc @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario)
I think it might be on 1.9, do you mind updating it in some Flyte repos
this is amazing, @Gopal Vashishtha. This can show up in the next Flyte release (1.9), but bringing the new version of stow has to be done manually, so can you open a few PRs in the downstream repos? (Basically flyteadmin, flytepropeller, and flyteplugins).
Yes happy to make the downstream PRs, do we need to cut a new release of stow first?
I cut one 0.37
bumping flytestdlib: https://github.com/flyteorg/flytestdlib/pull/162/files then will bump flyteadmin, flytepropeller, and datacatalog
@Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) thanks for merging! Can you also cut a release of flytestdlib sorry forgot to ask
For sure, give me a min
actually, just wait a bit and we'll have a new version once https://github.com/flyteorg/flytestdlib/actions/runs/5767897828 finishes.
Can I get a reviewer for this follow-on PR? https://github.com/flyteorg/stow/pull/8 (createSignedUrl also needed this change)
OK so sadly even when I use the code in this PR, I get:
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HTTPSConnectionPool(host='flytedevmetadatastorage.blob.', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /tmp/flyte/development/H4R72TCNCSSLSRWAHH2XXHOBBI======/fast12e0966a09d853b92f9784cf3193c280.tar.gz?se=2023-08-16T01%3A26%3A01Z&sig=MwnihVTaj%2BopzMO3hs5b9DiwUwCLrufGZYxvjsjeQX4%3D&sp=aw&spr=https&sr=b&sv=2019-12-12 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x145e3b970>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))
when calling
pyflyte register
. Even though I'm specifying a base_url in both my ~/flyte/config.yml and in my flyte-binary configmap. As far as I can tell that means the Location being used to call CreateSignedUrl here is not getting passed the base_url parameter. CreateSignedUrl calls PreSignRequest using the container returned from getContainer. getContainer is using baseContainer. I tried passing in stowConfigOverride:
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        type: stow
          kind: azure
            account: flytedevmetadatastorage
            base_url: <http://core.usgovcloudapi.net|core.usgovcloudapi.net>
            # You will need to pass in a "key" as well to auth
            account: flytedevmetadatastorage
            base_url: <http://core.usgovcloudapi.net|core.usgovcloudapi.net>
but I get the same error. Any idea why my base URL is getting overriden with an empty string?
ohh this is interesting
would love to help here, but did you not add the base_url?
Ah yeah my question was more about why base_url wasn't being passed in. Figured it out and tested though, let me know if you can review @Ketan (kumare3) https://github.com/flyteorg/stow/pull/8/files