Hi, does anyone encounter a similar issue as below...
# ask-the-community
Hi, does anyone encounter a similar issue as below? Or could this be explained or diagnosed? After installing a custom python package in the virtual environment on my PC, a Mac, it needs about 30 minutes to take effect if I want to execute
pyflyte run
on the relevant workflow. I have encountered this issue two times today, same PC, but different python virtual environments. I think this is also the reason why previously I failed to execute
pyflyte run
on the first day and succeeded on the second day.
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(mike) ➜  mike pip list | grep nlpaug
nlpaug                   1.1.11

# Just add one custom python library nlpaug in the example.py file
(mike) ➜  mike cat workflows/example.py
import typing
from flytekit import task, workflow

import nlpaug

def say_hello(name: str) -> str:

(mike) ➜  mike pyflyte run workflows/example.py wf
Failed with Unknown Exception <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'> Reason: No module named 'nlpaug'

# However, after about 30 minutes, this command works fine
(mike) ➜  mike pyflyte run workflows/example.py wf
DefaultNamedTupleOutput(o0='hello union!', o1=12)

# I set these two alias in my ~/.zshrc file. However, it seems that it would not have an impact.
alias python='python3'
alias pip='pip3'
I found that if I restart the shell, this problem will be solved. So I suppose this something related with caching. However, I am not sure which exact cache causes this issue. It seems that it is not related with pip cache, as I have used
option to install the requirements, and it did not solve the issue. Another interesting finding is that if I use
to run the example workflow program, it will work immediately after executing
pip install -r requirements.txt
. But
pyflyte run
requires a restart of the shell. I am using
. I tested this on two MacOS computers. Both have this problem. One of them needs about 30 minutes if I do not restart the shell. The other one is faster, but still requires about 2 to 3 minutes. Here is how to reproduce the issue and the workaround. If I call
pyflyte run
directly after
pip install -r requirements.txt
, it will fail. However, if I call
python workflows/example.py
, it will work.
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(yuan) ➜  yuan pyflyte run workflows/example.py wf
Failed with Unknown Exception <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'> Reason: No module named 'nlpaug'
No module named 'nlpaug'
(yuan) ➜  yuan python workflows/example.py
Running wf() DefaultNamedTupleOutput(o0='hello passengers!', o1=17)
After restart the iterm2 session, both the
pyflyte run
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➜  ~ cd PycharmProjects/flyte/yuan
➜  yuan source ~/venvs/yuan/bin/activate
(yuan) ➜  yuan python workflows/example.py
Running wf() DefaultNamedTupleOutput(o0='hello passengers!', o1=17)
(yuan) ➜  yuan pyflyte run workflows/example.py wf
DefaultNamedTupleOutput(o0='hello union!', o1=12)
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(yuan) ➜  yuan python --version
Python 3.11.4
@Yuan Wang (Mike), I am not able to reproduce the issue you're seeing. Looks like a virtual environment or pip problem to me. Have you tried using a fresh virtual environment?
@Samhita Alla Yes, I always test this issue with a fresh virtual environment, and it always happens on my computers. The issue can be solved simply by restarting the shell. So not a big deal. I just want to document this issue here. If someone else also encounters this issue in the future, perhaps you guys can dig it deeper.