Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ve...
# ask-the-community
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/venv/bin/ray", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/scripts/", line 2588, in main return cli() File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1130, in call return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1055, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1657, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 760, in invoke return __callback(*args, **kwargs) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/autoscaler/_private/", line 852, in wrapper return f(*args, **kwargs) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/scripts/", line 746, in start node = ray._private.node.Node( File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 271, in init self.start_head_processes() File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 1064, in start_head_processes self.start_dashboard(require_dashboard=True) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 866, in start_dashboard self._webui_url, process_info = File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 1361, in start_dashboard raise e from e File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 1350, in start_dashboard raise Exception(err_msg + last_log_str) Exception: Failed to start the dashboard, return code 1 The last 10 lines of /tmp/ray/session_2023-07-20_10-35-58_608196_9/logs/dashboard.log: File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/", line 11, in <module> from ._internal import _config, _decorators, _typing_extra File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/_internal/", line 9, in <module> from ..config import ConfigDict, ExtraValues, JsonSchemaExtraCallable File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/", line 10, in <module> from .deprecated.config import BaseConfig File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/deprecated/", line 6, in <module> from typing_extensions import deprecated ImportError: cannot import name 'deprecated' from 'typing_extensions' (/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ Please help me to resolve this error, I'm trying to connect ray in flyte. Ray cluster is not getting created and in head pods log I'm getting this error #ask-the-community
ImportError: cannot import name ‘deprecated’ from ‘typing_extensions’
failed to import deprecated. it seems like a ray bug. are you able to run flyte workflow locally?
No in that case also facing he issue
What Ray version are you trying to install?
I tried upgrading ray, typing_extensions, flytekit, flyteidl, flytekitplugins-ray and all this doesn't worked and all this things are in latest versions
Could you share the versions?
Package Version ------------------------- ----------- adlfs 2023.4.0 aiobotocore 2.4.0 aiohttp 3.8.3 aiohttp-cors 0.7.0 aioitertools 0.11.0 aiosignal 1.2.0 alembic 1.8.1 amortization 2.2.1 annotated-types 0.5.0 arrow 1.2.3 asttokens 2.0.8 async-timeout 4.0.2 attrs 22.1.0 autopage 0.5.1 awscli 1.25.96 azure-core 1.28.0 azure-datalake-store 0.0.53 azure-identity 1.13.0 azure-storage-blob 12.17.0 backcall 0.2.0 bcrypt 4.0.1 binaryornot 0.4.4 bleach 5.0.1 blessed 1.20.0 boto3 1.24.14 botocore 1.27.59 cachetools 5.3.1 category-encoders 2.5.1.post0 certifi 2022.9.24 cffi 1.15.1 chardet 5.0.0 charset-normalizer 2.1.1 click 8.1.3 cliff 4.0.0 cloudpickle 2.2.0 cmaes 0.8.2 cmd2 2.4.2 colorama 0.4.4 colorful 0.5.5 colorlog 6.7.0 contourpy 1.0.5 cookiecutter 2.1.1 croniter 1.3.7 cryptography 38.0.1 cycler 0.11.0 dask 2022.10.0 databricks-cli 0.17.3 dataclasses-json 0.5.7 debugpy 1.6.3 decorator 5.1.1 Deprecated 1.2.13 dill 0.3.6 diskcache 5.4.0 distlib 0.3.6 docker 6.0.0 docker-image-py 0.1.12 docstring-parser 0.15 docutils 0.16 entrypoints 0.4 et-xmlfile 1.1.0 executing 1.1.1 filelock 3.8.0 Flask 2.2.2 flyteidl 1.5.13 flytekit 1.8.1 flytekitplugins-ray 1.8.1 fonttools 4.37.4 frozenlist 1.3.1 fsspec 2023.6.0 gcsfs 2023.6.0 gitdb 4.0.9 GitPython 3.1.29 google-api-core 2.11.1 google-auth 2.22.0 google-auth-oauthlib 1.0.0 google-cloud-core 2.3.3 google-cloud-storage 2.10.0 google-crc32c 1.5.0 google-resumable-media 2.5.0 googleapis-common-protos 1.59.1 gpustat 1.1 greenlet 1.1.3.post0 grpcio 1.51.3 grpcio-status 1.50.0 gunicorn 20.1.0 idna 3.4 importlib-metadata 5.0.0 importlib-resources 5.10.0 ipykernel 6.16.1 ipython 8.5.0 ipywidgets 8.0.2 isodate 0.6.1 itsdangerous 2.1.2 jaraco.classes 3.2.3 jedi 0.18.1 jeepney 0.8.0 Jinja2 3.1.2 jinja2-time 0.2.0 jmespath 1.0.1 joblib 1.1.0 jsonschema 4.16.0 jupyter-client 7.4.3 jupyter-core 4.11.2 jupyterlab-widgets 3.0.3 keyring 23.9.3 kiwisolver 1.4.4 kubernetes 27.2.0 llvmlite 0.39.1 locket 1.0.0 lxml 4.9.1 Mako 1.2.3 markdown-it-py 3.0.0 MarkupSafe 2.1.1 marshmallow 3.18.0 marshmallow-enum 1.5.1 marshmallow-jsonschema 0.13.0 matplotlib 3.6.1 matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 mdurl 0.1.2 mlflow 1.27.0 more-itertools 9.0.0 msal 1.22.0 msal-extensions 1.0.0 msgpack 1.0.4 multi-key-dict 2.0.3 multidict 6.0.2 mypy-extensions 0.4.3 natsort 8.2.0 nest-asyncio 1.5.6 numba 0.56.3 numpy 1.22.4 numpy-financial 1.0.0 nvidia-ml-py 12.535.77 oauthlib 3.2.2 opencensus 0.11.2 opencensus-context 0.1.3 openpyxl 3.1.2 optuna 2.10.0 packaging 21.3 pandarallel 1.6.4 pandas 1.5.1 paramiko 2.11.0 parso 0.8.3 partd 1.3.0 patsy 0.5.3 pbr 5.11.0 pexpect 4.8.0 pickleshare 0.7.5 Pillow 9.2.0 pip 20.0.2 pkg-resources 0.0.0 pkgutil-resolve-name 1.3.10 platformdirs 2.5.2 portalocker 2.7.0 prettytable 3.4.1 prometheus-client 0.13.1 prometheus-flask-exporter 0.20.3 prompt-toolkit 3.0.31 protobuf 3.20.3 protoc-gen-swagger 0.1.0 psutil 5.9.3 psycopg2-binary 2.9.4 ptyprocess 0.7.0 pure-eval 0.2.2 py 1.11.0 py-spy 0.3.14 pyarrow 6.0.1 pyasn1 0.4.8 pyasn1-modules 0.3.0 pycparser 2.21 pydantic 2.0.3 pydantic-core 2.3.0 Pygments 2.13.0 PyJWT 2.6.0 PyMySQL 1.0.2 PyNaCl 1.5.0 pyOpenSSL 22.1.0 pyparsing 3.0.9 pyperclip 1.8.2 pyrsistent 0.18.1 python-dateutil 2.8.2 python-dotenv 0.21.0 python-jenkins 1.7.0 python-json-logger 2.0.4 python-slugify 6.1.2 pytimeparse 1.1.8 pytz 2022.5 PyYAML 5.4.1 pyzmq 24.0.1 querystring-parser 1.2.4 ray 2.5.1 redis 4.3.2 regex 2022.9.13 requests 2.28.1 requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 responses 0.22.0 retry 0.9.2 rich 13.4.2 rich-click 1.6.1 rsa 4.7.2 s3fs 2022.10.0 s3transfer 0.6.0 scikit-learn 1.0.2 scipy 1.8.1 scp 0.14.4 SecretStorage 3.3.3 setuptools 44.0.0 shap 0.41.0 six 1.16.0 sklearn 0.0 slicer 0.0.7 smart-open 6.3.0 smmap 5.0.0 sortedcontainers 2.4.0 SQLAlchemy 1.4.37 sqlparse 0.4.3 stack-data 0.5.1 statsd 3.3.0 statsmodels 0.13.2 stevedore 4.1.0 swifter 1.0.9 tabulate 0.9.0 text-unidecode 1.3 threadpoolctl 3.1.0 toml 0.10.2 toolz 0.12.0 tornado 6.2 tqdm 4.64.0 traitlets 5.5.0 types-toml 0.10.8 typing-extensions 4.4.0 typing-inspect 0.8.0 urllib3 1.26.12 virtualenv 20.16.5 wcwidth 0.2.5 webencodings 0.5.1 websocket-client 1.4.1 Werkzeug 2.2.2 wheel 0.37.1 widgetsnbextension 4.0.3 wrapt 1.14.1 xgboost 1.6.1 XlsxWriter 3.0.7 yarl 1.8.1 zipp 3.9.0 These are the pip list I'm using in the docker image
flyteidl 1.5.13 flytekit 1.8.1 flytekitplugins-ray 1.8.1 typing-extensions 4.4.0 ray 2.5.1 And these are the required versions for running ray in Flyte
Can you take a look at
== 4.4.0 raises this error; however, 4.7.1 works.
[1/1] currentAttempt done. Last Error: USER::Pod failed. No message received from kubernetes. [anncvd47dqk8stmrxnhz-n1-0] terminated with exit code (1). Reason [Error]. Message: t_refs = worker.core_worker.submit_task( File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 2898, in ray._raylet.CoreWorker.submit_task File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 2902, in ray._raylet.CoreWorker.submit_task File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 671, in ray._raylet.prepare_args_and_increment_put_refs File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 662, in ray._raylet.prepare_args_and_increment_put_refs File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 708, in ray._raylet.prepare_args_internal File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 618, in get_serialization_context context_map[job_id] = serialization.SerializationContext(self) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 151, in init serialization_addons.apply(self) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/util/", line 58, in apply register_pydantic_serializer(serialization_context) File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/util/", line 21, in register_pydantic_serializer pydantic.fields.ModelField, AttributeError: module 'pydantic.fields' has no attribute 'ModelField' [2m[33m(raylet)[0m [2023-07-25 095850,655 E 313 360] (raylet) The raylet exited immediately because the Ray agent failed. The raylet fate shares with the agent. This can happen because the Ray agent was unexpectedly killed or failed. Agent can fail when [2m[33m(raylet)[0m - The version of
doesn't follow Ray's requirement. Agent can segfault with the incorrect
version. Check the grpcio version
pip freeze | grep grpcio
. [2m[33m(raylet)[0m - The agent failed to start because of unexpected error or port conflict. Read the log
cat /tmp/ray/session_latest/logs/dashboard_agent.log
. You can find the log file structure here [2m[33m(raylet)[0m - The agent is killed by the OS (e.g., out of memory). After upgrading typing.extension getting this error
Can you update the requests of your task?