Hi All , working on setting up Flyte on GKE as par...
# flyte-on-gcp
Hi All , working on setting up Flyte on GKE as part of a side project. Does anyone have a document on how to deploy the helm chart on GKE cluster using helm_release resource block of terraform? I'm trying to make sure all the changes are tracked via terraform for me to easily pull apart the infra after use.
Copy code
resource "helm_release" "flyte" {
  name    = "flyte"
  version = local.flyte_version

  namespace = "flyte"

  repository = "<https://helm.flyte.org>"
  chart      = "flyte-core"

  values = [

  set {
    name  = "userSettings.dbHost"
    value = var.x
  set {
    name  = "userSettings.dbPassword"
    value = var.x

  set {
    name  = "userSettings.hostName"
    value = var.x

This should do the trick
Let me know if it doesn’t please
Thanks @Fabio Grätz for the assist ✌️ , I made the changes and ran the actions pipeline , ran into error while connecting to GKE for deploying the helm chart , sorting that one out too. Letting you know soon
Hi Fabio , the terraform part threw a TLS error while applying so I used basic helm commands and deployed flyte binary without any values as overrides and the pod got scheduled and is waiting for DB , currently working on how to fix the helm provider part to set the DB creds and details and not expose it via values.yaml
I have a helm values file with place holders for the credentials and in the terraform helm release I use additional `set`s to overwrite these place holders in the values file with tf vars.
Yes this helps too , I can reference the sensitive vars using set block of helm_release and non sensitive ones through values.yaml file
ohh wait , I misread it , can you give a sample example of the approach , I think I have seen it somewhere
I was able to get the helm_release work by adding the cluster_ca_certificate field in helm provider which I was missing and create_namespace=true in the helm_release resource block. Thanks Fabio , I'm now checking the crashloopbackoff issue which is showing not able to connect to DB whereas its open and was allowed the Cluster External IP