Hey Flyte community, is there a way to archive one...
# ask-the-community
Hey Flyte community, is there a way to archive one particular version of a workflow using flytectl?
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flytectl update launchplan -p <project> -d <domain> <launchplan> --version <version> --archive
^^ this should work.
Thanks for your answer, Samhita. I tried it out and get "updated launchplan successfully". However, there is no visible difference in the Flyte UI. The launchplan is still visible. Maybe some more background on what I want to achieve: I registered a workflow to the production domain. Since this was just a test, I now want to "unregister" this workflow version from the production domain so that the workflow version is not available anymore when hitting the "launch workflow" button.
Sorry I sent the command to archive launch plan. Can you try the following command?
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flytectl update workflow-meta -p flytesnacks -d development core.control_flow.merge_sort.merge_sort --archive
But wouldn't this archive the entire workflow and not just one specific version? Since there is no version flag for this command...
My bad. I don't think we can remove version from the UI. Deactivating a launch plan should deschedule it, but it doesn't remove the version from the launch form. @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario), can you please confirm?
Would it be possible to support this use case, e.g. by adding the version flag to
flytectl update workflow-meta
? I am not sure, if other users need it, too. But for us it would be quite helpful, in case we release a new version of a workflow to production, but then realize it is faulty and want to "undo" the release.
@Samhita Alla, that's correct. @Lukas Bommes, this seems like a reasonable feature. Can you open a gh issue? This looks like a great first issue. 🙂
Sure, I created an issue: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/3869 Thanks for considering my use case. 🙂