Flyte scheduling related n00b question : What is t...
# ask-the-community
Flyte scheduling related n00b question : What is the difference between a
Cron Schedules
and a
Fixed Rate intervals
? For example - as per this Flyte document,
will run the workflow every 10 minutes. Same effect can be achieved with
*/10 * * * *
cron expression as well. What are the advantags / disadvantages of the both?
cc @Prafulla Mahindrakar
cron expression says
At every 10th minute of an hour
so it would run at 710,720,7:30 etc. whereas a similar fixed rate is going to start activiation every 10 mins from time the schedule is activated which could be any time eg : activating at 7:05 -> runs would be at 7:15, 7:25 etc .
aha ok.. thanks 🙂