hey gang, new user for the python SDK - are there ...
# ask-the-community
hey gang, new user for the python SDK - are there examples of good patterns for mocking remote tasks/workflows, a la what
can do for local python tasks? While I can get local patching working sometimes, it runs into issues e.g. with explicit task dependencies set like
t1() >> t2()
where the return value (mocked as a python type) is missing some flyte node plumbing under the hood.
do you have repros you can copy/paste please?
we’ll make a ticket out of it and work on it.
it should work, and even if there are cases where they don’t we need to improve our error messaging to explain why.
hmm, might be harder cause the remotes are all from our internal task warehouse but basically the setup goes like ☝️
for testing, the guidance from our ML infra team was to just patch out the return values to their python types
when the remotes return values and done use the
logic, it seemingly works ok (though the patches are pretty sensitive to imports in the test...) but the above fails with an assertion error
lacks the
attribute needed to actually build the DAG
it should work, and even if there are cases where they don’t we need to improve our error messaging to explain why.
I suspect the issue is actually in our guidance for how to mock these, tbh
@Yee looking at this some more, I wonder if the problem isn't how that
function is built in our internal libraries - it looks like the
returned by
should work with
yes it should.
let me spend some time today looking.
yeah I think we have one too many layers of abstraction, where our internal lib's wrappers are returning the result of calling the RemoteEntity rather than returning the entity itself, which then would work with the patching
let me get the patching working for remote entities first, demonstrate that basic unit tests work
@John Walk reviewed the testing code in flytekit. it does look like it’s built currently just for non-fetched tasks. but i’m not sure that really matters…
i’ll add an example of how you might test a fetched task - https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1722/files
you can avoid using the testing stuff in flytekit completely.
see the
ok yeah, that squares with my thinking - we've just got the actual remote task buried under one too many layers of abstraction
reckon I could try building a patcher functionality for our wrappers using the logic you've got there
ok yeah I was able to get it working with patching
within our internals but that required defining a mock task with matching kwargs for each remote task, which is a little gnarly
would be nicer if we could find a way to
the RemoteEntity it grabs like you've got in yours
hah, actually seems like we get the same effect if we just make a mock task and set that as a side effect of the mocked parent function. same problem with the expected arguments though
yeah there’s no way around the expected arguments. that feeds the interface and the interface needs to be correctly defined.
we’ll merge that pr today
that feeds the interface and the interface needs to be correctly defined.
yeah, unless we can get at mocking the internal RemoteEntity reckon we're stuck with it