:wave: had a quick question about the flyte consol...
# ask-the-community
👋 had a quick question about the flyte console - is there any way to configure the navbar so the link opens in a new tab? also would really like a way to remove the
option if possible
@Jason Porter do you have an idea?
@Swarup Srinivasan - a very timely question as we are currently about to release some customization options for the nav. For now the customization would just be horizontal vs vertical left nav however if you want to cut an issue describing the behavior you'd like to see that is probably something we could do. But we might need to think through some of the specifics (eg, does selecting a different project also go to a new tab?). But yeah, I think we'd be open to that if you wanted to cut an issue. In terms of the second question about
are you referring to the
? Because I don't think we'd be able to remove that. The issue is that
supports a (common) use-case where users want to host multiple react applications on the same host; the
is basically the ingress into the application and allows react's routers to decide which routes to use.
Thanks for the fast response! for our use case, the project selection bar on the left is perfect as-is. I'm referring to the navbar component on the top configured by the
environment variable. We would like to use this to add a link to our metrics dashboard, which would preferably open in a new tab. Perhaps an additional option in the JSON object (e.g.
newtab: true
) would be really useful. dAs for console, what I was referring to was just thAs for console, I completely understand you need the
variable but having an option to display the navbar without the first default navigation button that is titled
and redirects to
would be really useful (since we want the navbar only for an external link button)
Hope that made sense! Happy to clarify our use case more if needed @Jason Porter
Okay yeah I see what you're saying - just saying its good timing because we are currently working on some changes to those components as part of a broader effort to rethink our navigation (that will be released over the next few months) in response to feedback and the relevance is that I was suggesting you cut a ticket with these as feature requests and see if maybe we could build in that functionality into the work as well. Regardless - they would need to start as tickets so that our team/OSS community can discuss. So I cut a ticket for you and i'll run it by the team (let me know if I captured what you were asking. https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/3773) 🙌