Hello :slightly_smiling_face: I run a FixedRate l...
# ask-the-community
Hello 🙂 I run a FixedRate launch plan that crawls a filesystem looking for work to do every 10 minutes. I'd like to easily shut down the old version and start a new one any time I release a new version via CI/CD. I can successfully start the LaunchPlan with a
flytectl update launchplan ... --activate
and similarly shut it down with
but these commands require that I pass the exact version of the LaunchPlan using
Is there a way to just shutdown ALL versions of a given LaunchPlan? Or shutdown ALL FixedRate LaunchPlans? Alternately, is there a reliable way to get the names/status of running LaunchPlans? When I use
flytectl get launchplan
using the project and domain, it lists LaunchPlans with versions, but the TYPE and STATE fields are blank.
Copy code
$ flytectl get launchplan -p io-erisyon-people-thomas -d development indexer_worker_production_10minutes
 ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------ ------- -------------------------------------- -------- --------- 
| VERSION (8)                 | NAME                                | TYPE | STATE | SCHEDULE                             | INPUTS | OUTPUTS |
 ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------ ------- -------------------------------------- -------- --------- 
| tfb23.06.08a_tfb23.06.08a_0 | indexer_worker_production_10minutes |      |       | map[rate:map[value:%!s(float64=10)]] |        |         |
 ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------ ------- -------------------------------------- -------- ---------
If I can't do any of these it seems I need to track in various project/domain namespaces what the last version I launched was, which seems painful and error-prone. Thanks!
You don't have to manually deactivate old launch plans. When you activate the new version of the launch plan, all the old ones will be automatically deactivated.
@Samhita Alla Oh! Thanks, I missed this somehow. 🙂